Celebrate the paperback launch of The Empathy Diaries at a series of virtual events, including Cary Library in Lexington, MA, Politics and Prose in DC, the Arts Club of Washington, and the Wall Street Journal Health Forum. You can register for these virtual events by clicking on the links below. The paperback launches: March 1, 2022. Stay tuned for more details and more events.
Thu, March 3rd: at 7 pm ET | Lexington, MA
Sat, March 5th: at 5 pm ET | Washington, DC
Politics & Prose
Sherry Turkle in conversation
with Alan Lightman
Tues, March 8th: at 7pm ET | Washington, DC
Arts Club of Washington
Sherry Turkle in conversation
with Henry Sienkiewiz
Wednesday, March 9th at 7:30pm ET | Brooklyn, NY
Greenlight Bookstore
Sherry Turkle in conversation
with Dave Eggers
Thursday, March 10th at 12pm ET | Washington, DC
Community, Curiosity and Empathy
in a Divided and Digital age
with Mónica Guzmán, Alexandra Hudson
and Sherry Turkle
Tues, March 22nd: at 1:30-2:00pm ET | Washington, DC
Wall Street Journal Health Forum
Our Brains on Technology
Sherry Turkle in Conversation
with Sara Castellanos